The English anti-Semitic perception: The build up of a stereotype

Elisa Raimondi


The aim of this essay is trying to describe the English anti-Semitism between 1930 and 1945 from a privileged point of view: perception. We'll focus on a few cartoons published on the main English newspapers of those years and on the news and articles that were on the local and national newspapers in the same years. We'll place side by side these elements and the “official” history, the one made by historiography and government acts. We hope we'll arrive to demonstrate that it is possible to describe the English attitude towards the Jews as an anti-Semitism because of perception.


Anti-Semitism; Perception; UK; Holocaust; World War Two; Refugees

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ISSN 2282-0043 - Registered at the Court of Rome on Nov. 8, 2012, no. 305/2012

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