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Meghnagi, David, Full Member of the International Psychoanalytical Association (IPA). Professor of Clinical Psychology and Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies at Roma Tre State University (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Full Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies and Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Roma Tre University (Rome). Address: Via Luciano Manara 15, scala B, interno 17, 00153 Ro (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Full Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies and Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Roma Tre University (Rome). (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Ph.D. Editor-in-Chief, Trauma and Memory (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies, Roma Tre University, Rome, Italy (Italy)
Meghnagi, David
Meghnagi, David, Editor-in-Chief, Trauma and Memory (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Full Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) and of the IPA-affiliated Società Psicoanalitica Italiana (SPI), Professor of Clinical Psychology, Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies, Roma Tre Universiy (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Università Roma Tre Roma (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Full Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) and of the IPA-affiliated Società Psicoanalitica Italiana (SPI), Professor of Clinical Psychology, Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies, Roma Tre Universiy,
Meghnagi, David, IPA Full Member, Chair of Clinical Psychology (Roma Tre University). Address: Via Luciano Manara 15, scala B, interno 17, 00153 Rome (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies, Roma Tre University, Rome
Meghnagi, David, Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies, Roma Tre University (Rome); Full Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA); Address: Via Luciano Manara 15, scala B, interno 17, 00153 Rome, Italy (Psicologo e psicoanalista, ide
Meghnagi, David, Full Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies and Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Roma Tre University (Rome) Via Luciano Manara 15, scala B, interno 17, 00153 Rome, I (Italy)
Meghnagi, David (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Chair of Clinical Psychology, Roma Tre University (Italy)
Meghnagi, David, Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies, Roma Tre University (Rome); Full Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA); Address: Via Luciano Manara 15, scala B, interno 17, 00153 Rome, Italy (Psicologo e psicoanalista, ide
Meghnagi, David, Full Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA), Chair of the International Master on Holocaust Studies and Professor of Clinical Psychology at the Roma Tre University (Rome)
Meghnagi, David, Professore di Psicologia Clinica, Università Roma Tre. Recapito: Via Luciano Manara 15, scala B, interno 17, 00153 Roma (Italy)
Meghnagi, Micol, M.A. in International Relation at the London School of Economics (LSE). Address: c/o Europa Ricerca Onlus, Via Luciano Manara 15, 00153 Roma (Italy)
Mezzatesta, Maria, Social worker, Naples, Italy. Address: Palazzo S. Giacomo, Piazza Municipio, 80133 Napoli (Italy).
Migone, Paolo
Migone, Paolo (Italy)
Migone, Paolo, Via Palestro 14, 43123 Parma PR, Italy

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