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Arbib, Lillo
Ashery Bonaventura, Daniel, Professor Emeritus, Tel Aviv University (Israel)
Ataria, Yochai, Neurobiology Department, Weizmann Institute of Science Rehovot (Israel)
Barbetta, Pietro, Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Associate Professor at Department of Human and Social Sciences, University of Bergamo; Director, Centro Milanese di Terapia della Famiglia (Italy)
Bella, Andrée, Ph.D., Bergamo University (Italy)
Bettoni, Giuseppe, Professor of Geography and Geopolitics, Director of the Master in Planning and Management of Tourism System, Department of History, Humanities and Society, University of Rome Tor Vergata. Address: Via Columbia 1, 00133 Rome, Italy,
Bianchi, Aglaia, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz (Germany)
Bogliaccino, Romana, Professor of History and Philosophy, Lyceum “E. Q. Visconti”, Rome
Bolko, Marianna (Italy)
Bolko, Marianna, Psyhoanalyst, co-editor of the journal Psicoterapia e Scienze Umane, Bologna. (Italy)
Bonaventura Snir, Rachel, Clinical and medical psychologist and sychotherapist, Tel Aviv (Israel) (Israel)
Bruck, Edith, Italian writer (Italy)
Bruck, Edith, Scrittrice italiana nata in Ungheria (Italy)
Cannizzaro, Giusy, Psychoterapyst. Palermo. (Italy)
Caon, Massimo, Independent researcher; Viale del Colli Portuensi 167, 00151 Rome, Italy
Carratelli, Teresa, Sapienza University of Rome, IPA Full member
Casale, Roberta, Contract Professor in Theory and Technique of Advertising Communication, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, CdS Communication Sciences [Scienze della comunicazione], Dipartimento di Storia, Patrimonio culturale, Formazione e Società, Via Colum
Cavallari, Giordano, Board member of the online Journal SettimanaNews, Via Sante Vincenzi 45, 40138 Bologna, Italy, e-mail
Colla, Piero, European Economic and Social Committee (Brussels). Currently completing a Ph.D. in Social Sciences at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales in Paris (Belgium)
Colla, Piero Simeone, Strasbourg University, Laboratoire AGORA (Cergy University) (France)
D'Amico, Giovanna, Dottore di ricerca, Professore associato di Storia Contemporanea (SSD M-STO/04), Università di Messina, Dipartimento di Civiltà Antiche e Moderne (DICAM), Ufficio 265, Polo Universitario dell'Annunziata, 98168 Messina
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ISSN 2282-0043 - Registered at the Court of Rome on Nov. 8, 2012, no. 305/2012
All articles are © Europa Ricerca Onlus